First composite stock to fully support the M-Lok system with 12 slots to attach compatible accessories.
Adjustable cheek piece & butt stock
Wide and flat forearm for enhanced stability for a rest or pack
Vertical grip with thumb shelf, putting the shooters hand in the most comfortable and relaxed shooting position
The Buttstocks "hook" provides superior control and manueverability when shooting prone or off a bench with the non-trigger hand
Weighs 3.85 lbs
Arrives to you drop in ready, bolt your rifle on and go shoot
Adjustable spacer system with 1" Grayboe recoil pad providing 12.75" to 14." Length of Pull adjustment (additional spacers can be purchased if longer LOP is needed).
Adjustable cheek piece (low profile adjustment screw included, Left Handed shooters will want to use the the low profile screw.)
12 M-Lok slots on forend to attach M-Lok mounts and accessories
2 flush cups installed on buttstock, 1 on left hand side and 1 on bottom